
Remembering JFK
Remembering JFK
Pic of Day: 1963 was a momentous and sad year in Ireland. The June visit by President John F. Kennedy was a cause for celebration and joy. Kennedy'...
Concert to Aid Great Hunger Museum
Concert to Aid Great Hunger Museum
In keeping with its "tradition of supporting the arts through film and live performance," the 200-seat historic Bijou Theater in Bridgeport, Connec...
A Castle's Secret Discovered
A Castle's Secret Discovered
"Peek" of Day: A secret room in the 800-year-old Johnstown Castle in County Wexford has been discovered for the first time by a joiner carrying out...
Dissident Republicans Possess Critical Data
Dissident Republicans Possess Critical Data
PSNI Chief Constable Simon Byrne has confirmed that police in Northern Ireland are confident that dissident republicans are in possession of data c...
All Present And Correct
All Present And Correct
Pic of Day: New Jersey and National Ancient Order of Hibernians offices at this year's New Jersey State Convention. There will be a full report in ...
25 Years Since Omagh Bombing
25 Years Since Omagh Bombing
President Michael D Higgins has said that the families of those who died in the Omagh bombing 25 years ago, deserve the support of everyone in thei...
An Irish August Day
An Irish August Day
Pic of Day: Ballylickey in West Cork embraced the news Monday morning that Ireland is due to experience a couple of days of decent August weather -...
Congress Members Protest British Legacy Bill
Congress Members Protest British Legacy Bill
Sixteen members of the United States House of Representatives, from both parties, have written to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Northern Irel...
A Jersey Shore Celebration
A Jersey Shore Celebration
Pic of Day: The Women of Irish Heritage of the Jersey Shore held their second annual Meet and Greet at Bar Anticipation in Lake Como on Saturday, A...
Donna is Top Assistant Principal
Donna is Top Assistant Principal
Donna McGuire, assistant principal at PS/IS 18 – The Park Terrace School in the New York City Public Schools, District 6, has been selected as the ...
Ladies Day at DHS
Ladies Day at DHS
Pic of Day: It's Ladies Day at the Dublin Horse Show and pictured (l to r) are Chloë Keating, Jessica Gayer and Naomi Keating from Waterford. Photo...
      New Inquests Into UVF Murders
      New Inquests Into UVF Murders
New inquests will take place into the murders of five Catholic men by the loyalist Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) over 30 years ago. Sean Anderson, T...

