
10 years on
10 years on
[caption id="attachment_68156" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="A view of Guinan's from the railway platform in Garrison."][/caption] Time ...
Kenny blitzkrieged over German  budget leaks
Kenny blitzkrieged over German budget leaks
[caption id="attachment_68152" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Taoiseach Enda Kenny answers press questions Tuesday."][/caption] Taoiseach...
Tents are thorns on Rose Greenway
Tents are thorns on Rose Greenway
BOSTON --- Citing violent crime, drug activity, and a negative impact on local businesses, the board of directors of the Rose Kennedy Greenway in B...
Groups issue SOS in BC battle
Groups issue SOS in BC battle
[caption id="attachment_68145" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Congressman Peter King."][/caption] A coalition of the largest and most act...
Robinson urged to calm down
Robinson urged to calm down
[caption id="attachment_68142" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Peter Robinson."][/caption] Sinn Féin has told Peter Robinson to "calm down...
DNA link to murder accused
DNA link to murder accused
A full DNA profile was found on the tip of a latex glove found in a getaway car, the murder trial of two soldiers has heard. Colin Duffy and Brian ...
Order members suspicious of Catholics
Order members suspicious of Catholics
More than 60 percent of Orange Order members believe that "most Catholics are IRA sympathizers." The startling views are contained in a new book an...
Leaving a hard place
Leaving a hard place
So it's finally over - well almost - the long national nightmare of Iraq. All American combat troops are to be withdrawn by December 31st. Haleluji...
Hold your horses Mr. Cantor!
Hold your horses Mr. Cantor!
[caption id="attachment_68130" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Congressman Eric Cantor."][/caption] "When House majority leader Eric Canto...
HOPe to kick off  a ten year campaign
HOPe to kick off a ten year campaign
[caption id="attachment_68125" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="A HOPe volunteer with a family in Ethiopia."][/caption] The aid agency HOPe...
Lughnasa performance for Concern
Lughnasa performance for Concern
The aid agency, Concern Worldwide, is to benefit from a little high summer madness in the late fall, this being a benefit performance of Dancing at...
Challenges to Vatican embassy closure
Challenges to Vatican embassy closure
[caption id="attachment_68121" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Ireland's Vatican embassy."][/caption] Ireland will maintain its diplomatic...

