
One more time
One more time
At the time of writing the last flight of a space shuttle is still a go. On July 8th the shuttle Atlantis will blast into the sky on a 12-day missi...
Ich bin, well nein
Ich bin, well nein
The dollar works throughout the United States because, despite regional traits and sometimes clear differences, the country is a nation made up of ...
Britannia still rules the media, if not the waves
Britannia still rules the media, if not the waves
The late British press mogul Lord Northcliffe once stated that "news is what someone else doesn't want you to know; everything else is advertising....
A matter of opinion, but not of fact
A matter of opinion, but not of fact
Did you know that the first opinion polls can be traced back to The Harrisburg Pennsylvanian in the USA almost 200 years ago? On that occasion the ...
Bringing out the very best in ourselves
Bringing out the very best in ourselves
Over one million cheering fans lined the streets of Boston for the big celebration of the Boston Bruins recently winning the Stanley Cup by defeati...
Irish no matter which way you 'putt' it
Irish no matter which way you 'putt' it
Imagine how confused American golf fans were during Rory McIlroy's long stroll into history a couple of weekends ago. At some point during the thir...
Independence meets Interdependence
Independence meets Interdependence
Some brows were doubtless furrowed with the report of a new bridge for San Francisco with a "Made in China" sticker on it. For those who prefer the...
Kenny needs to completely revamp Irish aid
Kenny needs to completely revamp Irish aid
After very successfully hosting the recent visits to Ireland by the queen and President Obama, Taoiseach Enda Kenny's standing around the world, an...
Two more for Ireland's historic visits pantheon
Two more for Ireland's historic visits pantheon
It was a week that will long be remembered. The recent first visit by a British monarch to the Irish Republic since independence surpassed all expe...
Rory’s progress
Rory’s progress
There has been much talk of a new era in golf since Rory McIlroy’s runaway win at the U.S. Open at the Congressional club in Bethesda on Sunday. Ac...
Noonan’s message
Noonan’s message
Irish finance minister Michael Noonan was in the U.S. last week for a low key visit with a high level of urgency behind it. Noonan was here to reas...
Smart economics and sustainable peace building in Northern Ireland
Smart economics and sustainable peace building in Northern Ireland
Devolution is bedding down in the midst of the biggest economic crisis in our lifetime. Elections are over and there is now cross-party consensus t...

