
History in wrong hands is a dangerous thing
History in wrong hands is a dangerous thing
Sometimes it's best to leave history to historians - or at least to people who have read a book or two onthe subject. As you very likely know by no...
Brian Lenihan
Brian Lenihan
Irish political life is the lesser this week following the untimely death of former finance minister Brian Lenihan. Lenihan, who was at the very ce...
Honoring John Barry
Honoring John Barry
The Ancient Order of Hibernians deserves a full cannonade of credit for its effort to secure a lasting memorial to Commodore John Barry in the most...
Queen's visit to Ireland was a transformative moment
Queen's visit to Ireland was a transformative moment
Thirty years ago this month, as a Springfield City Councilor, I strongly criticized the British government for its harsh treatment of Irish republi...
Renew IFI funding
Renew IFI funding
Times are tight, money is in short supply. Well, yes and no. The money supply available to the U.S. economy is a flexible concept. At any given mom...
Two great cities
Two great cities
For the second year the Irish Echo and Belfast Media Group are hosting the New York, New Belfast conference at Fordham University's Manhattan facil...
Real diplomacy begins at the street level
Real diplomacy begins at the street level
On a recent Sunday, while speaking to the Vatican's ambassador to the United States, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, we discussed the importance of peace ...
That Obama pint drinking image was good, but . . .
That Obama pint drinking image was good, but . . .
The photo-op was inevitable. And for many who saw it, it very likely prompted a smile. There they were, the president and first lady of the United ...
A long road ahead
A long road ahead
Well the presidential and royal parties have both departed Irish shores, though it's fair to say that there is something of a warm afterglow that w...
Nature's wrath
Nature's wrath
The tornadoes that have been late causing terror and devastation in the nation's heartland have been frightening reminders of our vulnerability. Al...
Righting an historic wrong
Righting an historic wrong
I write this column on the day the Queen of England departs our shores and heads home, and two days before the President of the United States arriv...
Garret FitzGerald: a man for all reasons
Garret FitzGerald: a man for all reasons
Garret FitzGerald was a simple and a complicated man. By that I mean he had a habit, mischievous some would say, of making the complicated simple, ...

