
A tyrant falls
A tyrant falls
At the time of writing, it would appear certain that Libya's dictator, Colonel Muammar Qadaffi, a man with as many political lives as there are see...
Hacking scandal only latest twist in grimy tale
Hacking scandal only latest twist in grimy tale
The reports of the shoddy news reporting by Rupert Murdoch-run newspapers in England and Ireland and the regular violation of laws by reporters, is...
A double loss?
A double loss?
Despite all the recent shenanigans and ballyhoo in Congress over the debt ceiling and spending cuts, and though it be deepest August, the U.S. is p...
All in the numbers
All in the numbers
President Obama felt it necessary to remind the world that the United States is still a nation with a triple A rating. Lucky he wasn't thinking in ...
Hugh Carey drew inspiration from his Irish roots
Hugh Carey drew inspiration from his Irish roots
We mourn the loss of Governor Hugh L. Carey, a great Irish American, humanitarian, statesman and benefactor of America and Ireland. Our paths cross...
Kenny's words will be remembered for decades
Kenny's words will be remembered for decades
If somebody told you that Ireland was the most anti-Catholic country in the western world, you probablywould rush to get your hearing checked, righ...
The last horseman
The last horseman
And so, the last of the horsemen has cantered over the horizon. Hugh Carey, former governor of New York, and a member of a group of politicians who...
Boston College probe a threat to oral history research
Boston College probe a threat to oral history research
Thirty-nine years later, the guard dog wakes up and starts barking. So what's he barking at: the old event, or a new one? In 1972, a widowed mother...
Kenny is riding Ireland's anti-clerical wave
Kenny is riding Ireland's anti-clerical wave
Political opponents of Enda Kenny, especially Fianna Fáil leaders during the heyday of the late Celtic Tiger, were always inclined to dismiss the M...
A landmark book that leaves readers wanting more
A landmark book that leaves readers wanting more
They say no man is a prophet in his own land, and that's certainly true of Fr. Sean McManus, a fiery crusader for Ireland who has rattled more cage...
Leaner not meaner
Leaner not meaner
The battle over spending, taxation and debt that has dominated the headlines in recent days is nothing new in either Washington, or the nation beyo...
Enda Kenny is speaking for all of us
Enda Kenny is speaking for all of us
Clerical abuse is not a strictly Irish phenomenon. In recent years many thousands of victims in countries across the globe have spoken out against ...

