
Labor Coalition signaled a new direction
Labor Coalition signaled a new direction
[caption id="attachment_66927" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="The James Connolly statue in Dublin."][/caption] The year 1981 was a time o...
A day when no language could suffice
A day when no language could suffice
My students were from South America, China, Africa and Eastern Europe. English was a second language for them. On that terrible Tuesday, Sept. 11, ...
Boston College should stand its ground
Boston College should stand its ground
History nerds like myself spend a lot of time combing through boring letters and government documents. It may not be everybody's idea of entertainm...
We remembered
We remembered
The tenth anniversary of September 11 was duly marked with solemnity and grace, an amazing grace, one that did honor to all who perished that day a...
Better late
Better late
President Obama finally took aim at the heart of the economic malaise last week when he addressed a joint session of Congress on the matter of jobs...
Keeping moral issue front and center is key
Keeping moral issue front and center is key
By Peter McDermott On Aug. 2, 1980, a bomb exploded in the air-conditioned waiting area at Bologna's Central Station. Eighty-five people were kille...
Organizer had deep ties to Catholic church
Organizer had deep ties to Catholic church
[caption id="attachment_66542" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Saul Alinsky, left, with Nicholas von Hoffman."][/caption] By Peter McDermo...
The Twin Towers still stand tall - in memory
The Twin Towers still stand tall - in memory
By Matthew Hennessey With the 10th anniversary of 9/11 rapidly approaching, the World Trade Center site will soon be opening to the public as a mem...
Frog and locusts
Frog and locusts
After a week in which people living along the U.S. eastern seaboard experienced both an earthquake and a hurricane it was tempting for some to star...
How the horsemen galloped the wrong way
How the horsemen galloped the wrong way
In responding to the Irish Echo editorial, " The Last Horseman" on the death of former New York governor Hugh Carey I have to bear in mind the maxi...
A fresh look at an old political nemesis
A fresh look at an old political nemesis
Reading President Richard M. Nixon's White House papers and studying his political career, was not something I thought I would be doing on August 1...
Hugh Carey was a rare kind of politician
Hugh Carey was a rare kind of politician
And so, the last of the Four Horsemen is gone. A generation ago, Hugh Leo Carey was one of four prominent Irish-American politicians who took up th...

