
O'SHEA: Ireland in the 1980s and Today
O'SHEA: Ireland in the 1980s and Today
Eamon Ryan, the impressive Irish Minister for the Environment, recently bemoaned some of the political and social media commentary about the countr...
EDITORIAL: The Right Call
EDITORIAL: The Right Call
Despite calls from some quarters not to travel to Washington, D.C. for St. Patrick's Day celebrations Taoiseach Leo Varadkar is doing just that thi...
KIRWAN: Raging to Write 'All The Rage'
KIRWAN: Raging to Write 'All The Rage'
One of the joys – and occasional banes – of writing a regular column is that it engages you with your readers. A recent column beginning with Frank...
EDITORIAL: A Priceless Heritage EDITORIAL: A Priceless Heritage
As American presidents go, Joe Biden, lately guilty on all counts of having reached the age of 81, is strongly and emotionally invested in his Iris...
OPINION: Today's Cooper Union Summit  is Direction Sign on Road to Unity OPINION: Today's Cooper Union Summit is Direction Sign on Road to Unity
Today, Friday, the first of March, portends to be a watershed moment in the focus of Irish-America on the issue of Irish national reunification. Sp...
O'SHEA: The Harsh Reality of Inequality in America
O'SHEA: The Harsh Reality of Inequality in America
The United States can be proud of its record in promoting political rights - free speech and adherence to the rule of law, which mandates treating ...
EDITORIAL: Dreams Now Taking Form
EDITORIAL: Dreams Now Taking Form
Even during the worst days of the conflict in Northern Ireland people would dream of a peaceful and united future. However, if they voiced such a v...
OPINION: Now is the Time to Push for Irish Unity
OPINION: Now is the Time to Push for Irish Unity
We live in a time of a shifting world order, which inevitably comes with transitional instability. The unity movement and Irish America more broadl...
KIRWAN: Spanning Divides and Widening Gulfs
KIRWAN: Spanning Divides and Widening Gulfs
Michelle O’Neill’s elevation to become Northern Ireland’s First Minister was a momentous event, full of hope and possibility. Even in the glory day...
EDITORIAL: Staunch Friends And Wavering Friends
EDITORIAL: Staunch Friends And Wavering Friends
Back at the beginning of February the European Union, all 27 member states, Ireland duly included, agreed on a fifty billion euro ($54 billion) eco...
GERRY ADAMS: Search for Disappeared deserves support of all
GERRY ADAMS: Search for Disappeared deserves support of all
IN the 1970s the IRA shot dead and secretly buried a number of people. This is a terrible legacy of that period of our history. The families of tho...
O'SHEA: Unionist Unease Amid Stormont Return
O'SHEA: Unionist Unease Amid Stormont Return
The concept of losers’ consent is central to American politics since Donald Trump refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s victory in t...

