
EDITORIAL: A New Taoiseach
EDITORIAL: A New Taoiseach
Well, that was simple and easy enough. The transfer of executive power in a parliamentary democracy can be sometimes difficult, sometimes relativel...
All Come to Look for America, but this time by RV and wearing a mask
All Come to Look for America, but this time by RV and wearing a mask
My DUP buddy Sammy Douglas enjoys getting up in front of American audiences visiting Belfast and telling them, in somber tones, that he is here to ...
O'SHEA: An Ireland Beyond the Old Stereotypes
O'SHEA: An Ireland Beyond the Old Stereotypes
I had a discussion with a Jewish friend recently about the continuing tendency among many people to hold on to old ethnic and racial stereotypes. H...
KIRWAN: Humming Along, Humming and Humming
KIRWAN: Humming Along, Humming and Humming
There are bands, and then there are great bands. What makes a band great? Well, obviously, the members, particularly if one, or all, have a vision....
EDITORIAL: A Shocking Turn
EDITORIAL: A Shocking Turn
As political earthquakes go on the island of Ireland this was as high up on the scale as you'll get. That's because the earthquake went far beyond ...
Hope and History on the Island of Ireland
Hope and History on the Island of Ireland
Once again, hope and history rhymed on the island of Ireland when Michelle O’Neill, the 47-year-old Vice President of Sinn Fein from County Tyrone,...
EDITORIAL: All Changed, Nothing Changed
EDITORIAL: All Changed, Nothing Changed
The Irish Times described it as a "bombshell announcement." It certainly seemed to come out of the blue, or at least the green hue surrounding all ...
LETTER: NY Post Broadside on Tish James a 'Hatchet Job'
LETTER: NY Post Broadside on Tish James a 'Hatchet Job'
Dear Editor, I write this letter to the Irish Echo because of a lack of courtesy by the NY Post to publish my response to their hatchet job of Atto...
OPINION: Charting a Pathway to a United Ireland Referendum in 2030
OPINION: Charting a Pathway to a United Ireland Referendum in 2030
The launch of the latest discussion paper from Ireland’s Future is a significant moment in the debate on constitutional change. "Ireland 2030" is a...
GERRY ADAMS: Disagreement should never mean that people aren't heard
GERRY ADAMS: Disagreement should never mean that people aren't heard
IT isn’t easy speaking in public and it can be very daunting when faced by a hostile audience who are not interested in what you have to say but si...
KIRWAN: Ah, That Glint in Malachy's Eye
KIRWAN: Ah, That Glint in Malachy's Eye
I first encountered Malachy McCourt at a sparsely attended Irish-Americans for McGovern meeting in the fall of 1972. He was accompanied by Brian He...
EDITORIAL: Spirit of St. Patrick Battling Global Headwinds
EDITORIAL: Spirit of St. Patrick Battling Global Headwinds
St. Patrick's Day 2024 was an opportunity for Ireland to speak for itself and proclaim the nation's nobler virtues around the world. It's a world t...

