
O'SHEA: Putin’s Invasion Was a Massive Miscalculation
O'SHEA: Putin’s Invasion Was a Massive Miscalculation
I was among the many “experts” convinced that Vladimir Putin would not invade Ukraine. Our thinking still seems logical: why would he attack the se...
AIHS Needs New Leadership, Not Location AIHS Needs New Leadership, Not Location
The recent revelation by President General Michael Higgins of his agenda for the American Irish Historical Society is as regrettable as it is predi...
EDITORIAL: History Is Made 
EDITORIAL: History Is Made 
When all the votes were counted the view of the past gave way to a view into the future. Voters in Northern Ireland have made history with an Assem...
ADAMS: Candidatitis
ADAMS: Candidatitis
I first published this article in 2005 and again, slightly amended in 2016. It is dedicated to all candidates from all parties and none, and their ...
KIRWAN: Remembering a Warrior For Us All
KIRWAN: Remembering a Warrior For Us All
She was known as “the most dangerous woman in the world” and she reveled in the title. The poor and the dispossessed adored her. The rich and the p...
EDITORIAL Time For That Envoy
EDITORIAL Time For That Envoy
Politics in Northern Ireland could be turned on its head this week. And that's just the politics. Add in the Good Friday Agreement, Brexit and the ...
A Ship and the Embodiment of Irish America's Soul
A Ship and the Embodiment of Irish America's Soul
Just a couple of weeks ago, on April 14, media outlets were showing dramatic images of the USS The Sullivans, a World War II destroyer that was on ...
ADAMS: May 5th is The Peoples Day
ADAMS: May 5th is The Peoples Day
It's the final countdown to polling day and the pundits and pollsters are filling the airways and column inches with their take on who will be the ...
O'SHEA: Global Warming and the Midterm Elections
O'SHEA: Global Warming and the Midterm Elections
By far the biggest difference between the two main political parties in America resides in their differing approaches to the threat of global warmi...
EDITORIAL: A Longer Term View
EDITORIAL: A Longer Term View
In a few days voters in Northern Ireland will go to the polls and elect a new Assembly. That Assembly will, in turn, pave the way for a new Executi...
Adams: Songs and Craic Around Kesh Campfire
Adams: Songs and Craic Around Kesh Campfire
My recent tales of singsongs in the H Blocks have triggered more reminiscences of other such events. Two in particular stand out. Both were after L...
KIRWAN: An Inevitable Leaving of the Slaney's Banks
KIRWAN: An Inevitable Leaving of the Slaney's Banks
It was a strange town but everywhere in Ireland was a bit strange in those days. I’m talking about the 1960s and 70s when I knew Wexford best. Then...

