Larry Kirwan

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KIRWAN: So Many Venues And All So Different
KIRWAN: So Many Venues And All So Different
One of the interesting things about playing with Black 47 was that I became familiar with so many areas of the USA. By extension, I got a unique in...
KIRWAN: NY When Celebrities Just Dropped In
KIRWAN: NY When Celebrities Just Dropped In
I miss David Bowie. “Sure, what would the likes of you be doin’ hobnobbin’ with a superstar?” You might counter. Well, back in the late 1970s he bo...
KIRWAN: A Question Posed With Increasing Frequency
KIRWAN: A Question Posed With Increasing Frequency
Is America broken? It’s a question that is posed with increasing frequency. I used to dismiss it out of hand. This country has come through so much...
KIRWAN: One Size Fit, All Sizes Fled
KIRWAN: One Size Fit, All Sizes Fled
I was recently giving a talk to the Irish Business Organization and was asked by host Shelley Ann Quilty-Lake to describe my own emigration from Ir...
KIRWAN: Gardens of Earth and Stone
KIRWAN: Gardens of Earth and Stone
I was digging in the garden recently. It's not an activity I’m particularly fond of, but there’s something about a June afternoon that entices you ...
KIRWAN: A Musical Man of Contradictions
KIRWAN: A Musical Man of Contradictions
Rory Gallagher was a man of contradictions. Born in Ballyshannon, County Donegal, he spoke with a soft Cork accent; the quietest man in the room, h...
KIRWAN: My Mets Bring The City Alive
KIRWAN: My Mets Bring The City Alive
How about those Mets! I know I shouldn’t rave about the boys from Queens so early in the season for fear I’ll send them crashing down from their pe...
KIRWAN: Fond Memories of an Irish Riviera Haven
KIRWAN: Fond Memories of an Irish Riviera Haven
So, The Boardy Barn in Hampton Bays, Long Island is no more. I can hear silent tears dripping into pint mugs all over BBQ. You don’t know what BBQ ...
KIRWAN: Coming Live and Loud....From Dundalk
KIRWAN: Coming Live and Loud....From Dundalk
All right! Hands up – who has been to Dundalk in the Wee County Louth? Not many, I’d suggest. I’ve only been there once and that was for a much nee...
KIRWAN: Remembering a Warrior For Us All
KIRWAN: Remembering a Warrior For Us All
She was known as “the most dangerous woman in the world” and she reveled in the title. The poor and the dispossessed adored her. The rich and the p...
KIRWAN: An Inevitable Leaving of the Slaney's Banks
KIRWAN: An Inevitable Leaving of the Slaney's Banks
It was a strange town but everywhere in Ireland was a bit strange in those days. I’m talking about the 1960s and 70s when I knew Wexford best. Then...
KIRWAN: The Siren Song of Punk is Back
KIRWAN: The Siren Song of Punk is Back
“All I got is three chords and the truth,” Bono famously sang. The rest of us settled for the bare three chords. The truth was a bit cumbersome to ...

