Larry Kirwan

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KIRWAN: Danger Crossing an Asphalt Canal
KIRWAN: Danger Crossing an Asphalt Canal
Canal Street in Lower Manhattan runs just over a mile from East Broadway to West Street. It’s big, broad and bustling and many the famous person fr...
KIRWAN: A Standout Among Irish-American Women
KIRWAN: A Standout Among Irish-American Women
Who was the most successful Irish-American woman? In my book, she was a fugitive, a prisoner, vivacious, beloved, despised, and competitive. She co...
KIRWAN; Stuck With United While Admiring Forest
KIRWAN; Stuck With United While Admiring Forest
Like many people from Ireland I support an English football team. As I brace myself for sneers of contempt curried by hollow words of patronizing p...
KIRWAN: A Highly Recommended Incomplete Movie
KIRWAN: A Highly Recommended Incomplete Movie
The old Philips tube radio was my best friend in those Wexford boyhood days. It took a couple of minutes to warm up but then it delivered the sweet...
KIRWAN: Stops Along the NYC Pilgrimage Way KIRWAN: Stops Along the NYC Pilgrimage Way
New York City is jammed in these boom times. The sidewalks are abustle with shoppers, the streets clogged with vehicles, their passengers staring o...
KIRWAN: A Remarkable Politician With an Unerring Ear
KIRWAN: A Remarkable Politician With an Unerring Ear
At around 11:30 p.m. on November 5th I realized the jig was up. Some figures came in from North Carolina, and though hardly earth-shattering, I kne...
KIRWAN: This Rocker Delves Into Opera
KIRWAN: This Rocker Delves Into Opera
Ever thought of attending an elite opera festival in an historic medieval town less than two hours from Dublin? I’m referring to Wexford in the sun...
KIRWAN: A Salute to the 'Other' Behan
KIRWAN: A Salute to the 'Other' Behan
“There’s only room for one genius in this family!” Brendan Behan is reputed to have remarked to Dominic, his younger brother. While Dominic Behan m...
KIRWAN: What Kind of America?
KIRWAN: What Kind of America?
Odd as it may seem, this presidential election is being fought between the normal and the weird, the logical and the fantastical, and the old and n...
KIRWAN: The Other Ireland in the Catskills
KIRWAN: The Other Ireland in the Catskills
I grew up on the banks of the Slaney River, right where it flows into Wexford Harbor on its way to the Irish Sea. There was water everywhere, lappi...
KIRWAN: Going About Writing a Song
KIRWAN: Going About Writing a Song
Caption with Paul: Caption with WB: Caption with Cash jpg: I’m often asked, “How do you write a song?” If you were to ask how to write a play or a ...
KIRWAN: Inflation Looms Big For November Vote
KIRWAN: Inflation Looms Big For November Vote
Inflation is likely to be the main issue in the November elections. Not current inflation, now nearing the Fed’s desired two percent, but rather th...

