By Gerry O'Shea

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O'SHEA: A Partition Approaching its Sell-By Date
O'SHEA: A Partition Approaching its Sell-By Date
The great Shakespearean drama "Macbeth" issues a clear warning to power-hungry and unscrupulous leaders about the consequences of their actions. “T...
O'SHEA: Surprises in the Irish Synod Report
O'SHEA: Surprises in the Irish Synod Report
About five years ago, I attended a lecture in Manhattan by an Irish Redemptorist priest, Fr. Tony Flannery. The event was sponsored by Call to Acti...
O'SHEA: Mary Magdalene: A Leader Among Men
O'SHEA: Mary Magdalene: A Leader Among Men
After the crucifixion the fledgling movement of Christians commemorated the life and death of a man who had deeply impacted their lives and who the...
O'SHEA: Democracy Going Through Testing Times
O'SHEA: Democracy Going Through Testing Times
Athenian democracy lasted about 250 years from the early seventh century B.C.E. It was a magnificently successful experiment, involving military do...
O'SHEA: The Views From Differing Utopias
O'SHEA: The Views From Differing Utopias
Sir Thomas More (1478-1535) is remembered mainly because he was beheaded for insisting that his boss, Henry V111, was breaching divine law by claim...
O'SHEA: Looking Ahead to the November Mid-Terms
O'SHEA: Looking Ahead to the November Mid-Terms
Following the opening presentation by the January 6th Committee, when the whole country heard from a succession of police officers about how they w...
O'SHEA: Looking At Immigration and Replacement Theories
O'SHEA: Looking At Immigration and Replacement Theories
The economic and political impact of immigrants and refugees on American lives has become a lightning-rod issue, sparking strong feelings on both s...
O'SHEA: Putin’s Invasion Was a Massive Miscalculation
O'SHEA: Putin’s Invasion Was a Massive Miscalculation
I was among the many “experts” convinced that Vladimir Putin would not invade Ukraine. Our thinking still seems logical: why would he attack the se...
O'SHEA: Global Warming and the Midterm Elections
O'SHEA: Global Warming and the Midterm Elections
By far the biggest difference between the two main political parties in America resides in their differing approaches to the threat of global warmi...
O'SHEA: The Challenges Facing the Catholic Church
O'SHEA: The Challenges Facing the Catholic Church
For the first time in history the number of people in the United States who identify as belonging to a church, mosque or synagogue is less than tho...
O'SHEA: Irish Language is Enjoying a Renaissance
O'SHEA: Irish Language is Enjoying a Renaissance
I recall well a moving story that Maurice Brick, author and fluent Gaelic speaker, told me many years ago. He comes from the heart of the Ballyferr...
O'SHEA: Duffy’s Cut is a Story for the Ages
O'SHEA: Duffy’s Cut is a Story for the Ages
I attended the annual commemoration of the untimely deaths in 1832 of 57 Irish laborers who worked and died at a stretch of railway track in Cheste...

