On this Saturday, April 15, the Irish Family History Forum will feature again as its guest Nicola Morris, who will speak via (via Zoom) on Ireland’s Virtual Record Treasury.
Morris, director of Timeline Research Ireland, is a current VP of Accredited Genealogists Ireland. She works closely with the production company for the BBC television program “Who Do You Think You Are?”
Led by researchers at Trinity College Dublin, the Virtual Record Treasury combines historical investigation, archival discovery, conservation and technical innovation to reimagine and recreate, through digital technologies, the archive lost on June 30, 1922, in the opening engagement of the Civil War. See https://virtualtreasury.ie/
The event will take place at Bethpage Public Library, 47 Powell Ave., Bethpage, N.Y. It begins at 10 a.m. with a Meet and Greet (with light refreshments), followed at 10:15 a. m. by Ask the Experts (one-on-one), with featured speaker Morris introduced and presented at 11 a.m.
For more information, email info@ifhf.org. Directions to Bethpage Public Library can be found at www.ifhf.org.