Taking the plunge for a good cause

But the third annual Ancient Order of Hibernians "Polar Plunge" in Sea Bright, New Jersey, will have a distinctly icy element to it given recent weather conditions.

The AOH Patrick Torphy Division 2 of Middletown will sponsor the plunge on Sunday, January 10, with funds raised going to support local Catholic education. The event will be hosted at Ichabod's Bar and Grill on Ocean Avenue in Sea Bright.

"This is an excellent opportunity to support Catholic schools by helping to provide scholarships to children wishing to choose Catholic education. Over the past three years the water temperature has ranged between 37 degrees and 55 degrees," said division president, Jack Sullivan.

"It's a crazy and fun thing to do for a great cause," he said.

Last year, according to Sullivan, 275 Hibernians, students, teachers, clergy, parents and friends braved the wintry Atlantic and in so doing were led by Hibernian bag pipers.

Plungers raise funds for their designated schools by securing pledges. The minimum pledge per plunger is $25.

Pre-registration will be on Friday, January 8 at Ichabod's from 7 to 9 p.m. Registration will also be possible between 11 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. on Sunday itself. Plungers will be led by the bagpipers to the water at 1 p.m.

More information about the event is available from Jim Shaw at aohpolarplunge@yahoo.com or by visiting the AOH Patrick Torphy division's website at www.njaohdiv2.org where, according to the plunge organizers, donations are also welcomed.

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