
Waiting for Aer Lingus to take them home again
Waiting for Aer Lingus to take them home again
By Eileen Murphy For Irish Echo Classified Manager Tracey Quilligan, a quick trip home to Cavan last week was a long-awaited treat: in addition to ...
Speakers stranded
Speakers stranded
By Peter McDermott Two speakers at last Saturday's Glucksman Ireland House seminar are among those who have been stranded in New York in recent day...
Glucksman event asks: who are the Irish?
Glucksman event asks: who are the Irish?
By Peter McDermott Trinity College Professor Dan Bradley used to think of medieval Ireland as a rather sedate place, something like the 1950s. “In ...
Honoring a giant
Honoring a giant
By Peter McDermott Former courts reporter Guy Sterling is normally a quiet-spoken man. But get him onto the topic of Justice William J. Brennan Jr....
Schumer pledges action at Queens ILIR meeting
Schumer pledges action at Queens ILIR meeting
By Ray O'Hanlon "I think we're in a good place right now, the best place in a few years." Bruce Morrison was finishing up on a positive note on a n...
Reid my lips
Reid my lips
By Ray O'Hanlon With Senate majority leader Harry Reid promising immediate action on comprehensive immigration reform, a more promising backdrop th...
Love of Irish history leads Long to NYU
Love of Irish history leads Long to NYU
By Peter McDermott A few years ago, Joe Long got an email that piqued his interest and would eventually make his schedule a lot busier. It was an a...
"Memory" up for NY Emmy
"Memory" up for NY Emmy
By Irish Echo Staff A documentary on the memories and reflections of Irish immigrants in New York is in line for a possible New York Emmy award thi...
Calls for Robinson’s resignation
Calls for Robinson’s resignation
Northern Ireland’s first minister is facing calls to step aside, after a BBC report about a property deal near his Belfast home. The calls were mad...
Accused excused in Prince case arraignment
Accused excused in Prince case arraignment
BOSTON - Lawyers for the teenagers accused of stalking and bullying Phoebe Prince for weeks before her suicide in January appeared in court Tuesday...
Quinn staff march in Cavan, Dublin
Quinn staff march in Cavan, Dublin
Quinn Insurance company staff have staged marches in Dublin and Cavan to highlight job fears among the 2,800 workers after the Financial Regulator’...
Anglo chief attracts notice on Cape
Anglo chief attracts notice on Cape
There’s no place like a home away from home, especially if you are being pursued by the media. But the media, Irish version, has caught up with for...

