
Sinn Fein's Sheehan condemns dissident violence
Sinn Fein's Sheehan condemns dissident violence
Dissident republicans will never be the IRA. That was the uncompromising message from former IRA hunger striker Pat Sheehan as he addressed the ann...
McGuinness seeks FG nomination in prez race
McGuinness seeks FG nomination in prez race
Fine Gael MEP Maireád McGuinness has announced that she will seek the party's nomination for the Irish presidency. McGuinness, a former journalist ...
Sisters' heroic role celebrated, discussed at Queens roundtable
Sisters' heroic role celebrated, discussed at Queens roundtable
During her 25 years at Rikers Island, Sr. Margaret McCabe has met many troubled young men, but one, a boy called Augustine, stands out. His mother ...
Ports uneconomic in era of big ships: minister
Ports uneconomic in era of big ships: minister
Transport Minister Leo Varadkar is planning to close down some of the small cargo ports around the country. In an interview with the Irish Independ...
Lenihan warned EU about social unrest
Lenihan warned EU about social unrest
Brian Lenihan has claimed that he warned the European Union's institutions of the risk of social unrest in Ireland if the budgetary adjustments wer...
British army declines Belfast invite to RIR
British army declines Belfast invite to RIR
The British army has decided not to accept an offer from Belfast City Council for the Royal Irish Regiment to march through Belfast in a "homecomin...
N.I. Hospice leaders  to speak in New York
N.I. Hospice leaders to speak in New York
Prof. Max Watson, one of the world's leading experts in palliative care, is in New York this week to launch "A Matter of Life and Death: An initiat...
Kenny for early May New York visit
Kenny for early May New York visit
Not all the highlight political visits in May will be taking place on Irish soil. Taoiseach Enda Kenny will be coming to New York to attend the ann...
A year on, a hard road for Natasha McShane
A year on, a hard road for Natasha McShane
It's been a year since the savage attack on a Chicago street in which Irish exchange student Natasha McShane almost lost her life. And the once vib...
Say it ain't so Bob
Say it ain't so Bob
Say it ain't so, Bob Dylan! After all the years of times a changin' you go off to China and let the yuppie comrades dictate your set list? Don't yo...
60 years no obstacle after all
60 years no obstacle after all
The effort to secure a Congressional Medal of Honor for Kerry native and Korean War hero Patrick Sheahan has been bogged down in Washington seeming...
In Moneygall, of all places
In Moneygall, of all places
The County Offaly village that will host President Barack Obama during his visit to Ireland next month was at the center of a security scare last w...

