
Jobs are sole proof of economic recovery
Jobs are sole proof of economic recovery
Creating jobs and slashing unemployment is the only true way to measure the success of Ireland's multi-billion Euro bailout, one of the architects ...
Irish aid agencies beg to differ
Irish aid agencies beg to differ
The Irish aid agency GOAL has been ramping up its operations in the Horn of Africa in recent days, this in response to the severe (worst in 60 year...
She answered America's call
She answered America's call
Wexford's Commodore John Barry was likely smiling from his lookout perch as Wexford native and Marine Corps Petty Officer 2nd Class Anastatia M. Do...
Around Ireland
Around Ireland
ROSCOMMON TD DEFENDS VOTE ON HOSPITAL A&E Frank Feighan, a Fine Gael deputy for the South Leitrim-Roscommon constituency, has been standing by his ...
Enda’s anger
Enda’s anger
The Vatican is this week being challenged to respond to criticisms laid at its door by Taoiseach Enda Kenny over the Cloyne report into clerical ch...
Vatican stance "disgraceful" says Kenny
Vatican stance "disgraceful" says Kenny
The Irish government appears is a loggerheads with the Vatican this week after a report into clerical child abuse in Cork found that a high-ranking...
Congress now has diversity visas in its crosshairs
Congress now has diversity visas in its crosshairs
Washington, D.C. - First a computer glitch dashed the hopes of thousands, and now there will be a congressional hearing this week to consider shutt...
NY AOH gathering hailed as success
NY AOH gathering hailed as success
The New York State conventions of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, men and ladies, were being hailed as a success by attendees at the gathering las...
Stack's Lamp Post: a clarification
Stack's Lamp Post: a clarification
An ad on Page 4 in the Irish Echo edition of June 29-July 5 stated that Pat Floody & Band was due to play at Stack's Lamp Post Pub in Cairo, NY ove...
Flag removals ignite more riots
Flag removals ignite more riots
Further unrest on the streets of the North has been caused by the removal of flags in loyalist areas. Last week saw yet more rioting, as a 100-stro...
Teen feared dead after pier plunge
Teen feared dead after pier plunge
A teenager from Derry City is feared dead after falling off a pier in a small County Donegal fishing village. Divers have been carrying out a searc...
Artist Ballagh angry at health service
Artist Ballagh angry at health service
Against the backdrop of local fury over the Irish government's decision to close the accident and emergency unit at Roscommon Hospital, artist Robe...

