
Around Ireland
Around Ireland
MEATH COPS KEEP EYE ON CROOKS Garda detectives are keeping a close eye on Dublin criminals who are renting properties in Johnstown, a meeting of Na...
MerrE-3 Christmas
MerrE-3 Christmas
[caption id="attachment_68704" align="alignright" width="600"] Senator Schumer.[/caption] There was no action for years, but with the arrival of Ch...
Read aloud!
Read aloud!
[caption id="attachment_68474" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Irish American Writers & Artists salon regulars John Kearns, Charles Hale, ...
N.I tourist projects may not break even
N.I tourist projects may not break even
[caption id="attachment_68471" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="The Giant's Causeway."][/caption] Doubts have been raised over the viabilit...
Chairman of Anglo Irish Bank released without charge
Chairman of Anglo Irish Bank released without charge
The former chairman of rogue lender Anglo Irish Bank has been released without charge after his arrest by Gardai investigating suspected breaches o...
Schumer proposes 10,000 Irish visas per year
Schumer proposes 10,000 Irish visas per year
[caption id="attachment_68466" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Senator Schumer met with Ciaran Staunton in Washington D.C. on Tuesday."][/...
Aussie rebelliousness is just beneath the tan
Aussie rebelliousness is just beneath the tan
[caption id="attachment_68463" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Larry and Tom"][/caption] I was in Sydney for Thanksgiving. A long way to g...
President has knee operation
President has knee operation
[caption id="attachment_68460" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="President Higgins visits the Ark, Ireland's cultural center for children in...
Airline crew complain about Ryanair's sexist ads
Airline crew complain about Ryanair's sexist ads
Nearly 8,000 people have signed a petition against a Christmas advertising campaign created by Ryanair, because it denigrates women. The ads show a...
Irish priest accused of sexual abuse in Chile
Irish priest accused of sexual abuse in Chile
An Irish missionary priest is under investigation by church authorities following accusations he sexually abused two young men in Chile during the ...
"Hopelessly inadequate" 1973 ruling overturned in boy's death
"Hopelessly inadequate" 1973 ruling overturned in boy's death
A 15-year-old boy shot dead by the British army in Derry almost 40 years ago posed no risk, an inquest has found. Daniel Hegarty was shot twice dur...
Government delays decision on EU treaty
Government delays decision on EU treaty
The Irish government will not decide whether to hold a referendum on Europe's plans for tighter fiscal union until March, The Irish Times reported ...

