AOH leaders look to the future
The newly elected AOH National Board with National President, Jim McKay, front row in the white jacket. Photo by John O’Connell, Editor, National H...
July 20, 2016
by JC Sullivan
Growing moves towards unity poll
Taoiseach Enda Kenny. By Evan Short Fine Gael were always considered the party on the island of Ireland most opposed to reuniting the country outsi...
July 19, 2016
by Evan Short
Irish duo reaching for the stars
Alan Daly (left) and Wayne Solan have come up with an idea that could not only take off, but blast off! By Evan Short Two Dublin men who set out to...
July 18, 2016
by Evan Short
Despair and condemnation after Nice slaughter
A floral tribute left on the steps of the French Embassy in Dublin this morning. photo. By Irish Echo Staff Ireland and the United S...
July 15, 2016
by Irish Echo Staff
Mary Holt Moore dead at 88
Mary Holt Moore By Ray O’Hanlon Mary Holt Moore, for many years a prominent Irish American community leader and the second w...
July 14, 2016
by Ray O'Hanlon
Anderson outlines Dublin’s views to Hibernians
Ambassador Anne Anderson speaking to the AOH/LAOH convention in Atlantic City. Photo by William Pribyl. By Irish Echo Staff Ireland’s ambassador to...
July 13, 2016
by Irish Echo Staff
Contentious loyalist parades pass off peacefully
A march protestor expresses his views to police. By Evan Short Two of the most contentious loyalist parades in Ireland passed off without incident ...
July 12, 2016
by Evan Short
William (Bill) O’Driscoll dead at 87
Bill O’Driscoll By Irish Echo Staff William, “Bill” O’Driscoll, Cork-born but a leading labor leader in the U.S. for many years, has died aged 87. ...
July 11, 2016
by Irish Echo Staff
Two ladies who are not for turning
Theresa Villiers By Ray O’Hanlon Whatever the future of the United Kingdom, and that part of it that is to be found on the i...
July 08, 2016
by Irish Echo Staff
Basques look to Irish peace process
Urko Aiartza (right) meets with Californian congressman John Garamendi, who is a member of the Basque diaspora. By Evan Short A Basque country sena...
July 07, 2016
by Evan Short
Hibernians urge Irish unity poll
Hib Hib Harrah’s. The Ancient Order of Hibernians convention takes place next week in Harrah’s of Atlantic City. By Ray O’Hanlon rohanlon@irishecho...
July 06, 2016
by Ray O'Hanlon
Boyne gives way to Battle of the Bonfire
A firefighter and a police officer on alert in Carrickfergus. Photo by Kevin Scott/Presseye. By Anthony Neeson Feuding loyalists went on the rampag...
July 05, 2016
by Anthony Neeson