Sean FitzPatrick is declared bankrupt
Sean FitzPatrick is declared bankrupt
Former chairman of Anglo Irish Bank Sean FitzPatrick has been declared bankrupt by the High Court, RTE reports. In a brief hearing, lawyers for Fit...
IAW&A to honor Dennehy for life's work
IAW&A to honor Dennehy for life's work
By Peter McDermott In his acting career, Brian Dennehy has portrayed real-life people such as crusading attorney Clarence Darrow and serial killer ...
Dáil votes to adjourn for 12-week recess
Dáil votes to adjourn for 12-week recess
The Dáil is to adjourn this evening for a 12-week summer recess, returning on Sept. 29, RTE reports. Opposition parties objected to the length of t...
Court prohibits Ryanair bid for Aer Lingus
Court prohibits Ryanair bid for Aer Lingus
The European Court of Justice has ruled that Ryanair's takeover bid of Aer Lingus should be blocked, RTE reports However, the court ruled that Ryan...
Cowen says he's leading a united government
Cowen says he's leading a united government
Taoiseach Brian Cowen has said that he is leading a united government and is determined to lead the country out of the present economic crisis, RTE...
 July 4th baby
July 4th baby
By Peter McDermott When you've been around 100 years, you can wait a few weeks for the party. So while Marian Toal's family members will individual...
Hunt lobby denies funding came from developers
Hunt lobby denies funding came from developers
The pro-hunting lobby heading up the opposition to the Green Party's animal welfare laws has spent €100,000 on its campaign, the Irish Independent ...
Tristate Events
Tristate Events
THEATER The Irish Repertory Theatre presents a special engagement of The Irish . . . And How They Got That Way by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Fra...
National Events
National Events
Boston The Irish Cultural Center at Elms College, Chicopee, will offer Irish language courses in the fall semester of 2010, Sept. thru Dec. Details...
South Armagh reaches out on its own terms
South Armagh reaches out on its own terms
By Anthony Neeson In his first day as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Owen Paterson said he had spent time in the "deepest, wildest parts ...
Brothers shot dead in Dublin gun attack
Brothers shot dead in Dublin gun attack
Gardaí are investigating the murder of two brothers in West Dublin last night, RTE reports. Paul and Kenneth Corbally, aged 35 and 32, who were bot...
NAMA to go after homes of wealthy developers
NAMA to go after homes of wealthy developers
National Assets Management Agency will move to seize developers' personal assets and houses -- despite pleas from builders for their family homes t...

