2024 Irish Labor Awards

Mary Claire Breslin

Mary Claire Breslin

Current Company and Position: President of the New Rochelle Federation of United School Employees, Local 280; 6th grade English Language Arts Teacher at Albert Leonard Middle School in the City School District of New Rochelle.

First Job: Front desk clerk at a locally run hotel.

What it taught me: This job helped me to develop communication skills, patience, and a thick skin. I had to think on feet and multi-task frequently.

Best advice you could give someone starting out: Be curious, ask questions, stay true to you convictions, and get involved in the union!

Who is your hero and why? My parents are my heroes because of their strong work ethic and commitment to our family. My selfless mother, a teacher and loving caregiver, taught me to think of and do for others and to always give with a warm hand. My feisty father, a longtime public school teacher and proud member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, taught me to stand with the union and fight the good fight. My parents instilled that all work has value, and all workers, regardless of position or title, deserve respect.

Biography: Mary Claire Bresiln is a public school teacher of 32 years and proudly serves as the President of the New Rochelle Federation of United School Employees, a union of over 1,400 teachers and staff-related professionals. She was inspired by unionism at the age of 11 when she walked the picket line with her father and his co-workers, who were demanding better wages and a fair contract.

Mary Claire grew up in New York's Southern Tier. She graduated from LeMoyne College with a bachelor's degree in English and political science, and earned her master's degree at SUNY Cortland. While she loves living and working in Westchester County, she is an upstate woman at heart.

When she isn't in the classroom educating tomorrow's leaders, Mary Claire can be found at the union office working alongside the dedicated New Rochelle FUSE leadership team. It is her the greatest privilege to advocate for union members, uphold the contract, and fight against unfair labor practices. This is the work that must be done to keep the union strong all day long! 




2024 Irish Labor Awards

