Vincent Beach

What is your profession? Civil Engineer.

How do you celebrate your Irishness? I am heavily involved in the Gaelic Athletic Association here in Cleveland and within the Midwest Division as the Youth Officer. Through the periodical, iIrish, I write articles about the GAA in the Midwest. With Raidio na Gaeltachta, my truck is a mobile Gaeltacht.

Name a hero you admire and why? My parents are my heroes. We had a wonderful childhood because of their hard work, a Catholic foundation through schooling because of their sacrifices, and a strong sense of family through their commitments.

Something people would be surprised to know about me... When I get home from work or sports, I enjoy herding a flock of laying hens.

Biography: Vincent Thomas Francis Xavier Beach is a proud Greater Clevelander and emigrant of Michigan. He joined the St. Pat's Gaelic Football Club in 1999 and, with much help, is the current caretaker of the Cleveland GAA. His Irish is a cross of dialects from the University of Cincinnati and An Cheathrú Rua. With his wife, Michelle, he enjoys watching time absolutely fly by as their children, Ambrose, Bernadette, and Cedric, grow. His other hustles are coaching CYO basketball at St. Mary of Berea, coaching soccer in Olmsted TWP, teaching Construction Management at CWRU, and executing his engineering skills on local water/wastewater projects.

2024 Heroes of Irish America Awards

