Bertha Hyde

Place of birth: Buffalo, NY.

What is your profession? I am a retired laborer for the City of Buffalo. I have been retired since 2004, my full-time passion since then has been running waterfront memories and more. A museum dedicated to keeping the names, faces and places of the people who helped build Buffalo's waterfront alive.

How do you celebrate your Irishness? I was born and raised in the Old First Ward in Buffalo, and still live there. I’m dedicated to preserving the heritage of our neighborhood and larger community, but I am not Irish at all.  But do participate in all of our cities festivities, including mass. I was also Grand Marshall of the Buffalo’s Old Neighborhood Parade almost 20 years ago.

Name a hero you admire and why? John F Kennedy. I always wonder if he had lived what our world would look like today.

Something people would be surprised to know about me... That I am also passionate about gardening.

Biography: I was born, raised and still live in Buffalo's Old First Ward. I attended Our Lady of Perpetual Help grammar School where I'm still a parishioner. I was married and had three children Debbie (Bill Buyers), Richard (Anita Sengbusch) and Becky who passed away in 1977. I also have 4 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. I worked for and retired from the City of Buffalo. I was one of seven children of Leo and Evelyn Guise. I got my passion for Ancestry and history from my older brother Sonny, when he started researching our family. It makes me happy when someone is going through one of our collections of pictures at Waterfront Memories and More and  finds a connection to their past.

2024 Heroes of Irish America Awards

