
Old world, old deal
Old world, old deal
There was something especially apropos about the New Deal. It was, for one thing, applied to the New World, that part of it called the United State...
Ireland's ever more connected diaspora
Ireland's ever more connected diaspora
[caption id="attachment_71817" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="The Chapel of St. Basil at St. Thomas University in Houston. The college, a...
Standoff turns on credibility of threats
Standoff turns on credibility of threats
This op-ed is more question than opinion, though it focuses on two opinions, one belonging to the district attorney prosecuting the Boston College ...
Football flight
Football flight
You have to sympathize with the Irish Football Association, the governing body for soccer in Northern Ireland. The association, not for the first t...
On a limb
On a limb
Taoiseach Enda Kenny is gamely sticking to the schedule for the May 31 referendum on the fiscal compact treaty even as Europe shudders and shakes a...
Higgins spoke volumes during U.S. visit
Higgins spoke volumes during U.S. visit
The recent visit to the United States by President Michael D. Higgins left much in its wake for the historical record. With a packed schedule, the ...
Alliance shines under half moon in El Paso
Alliance shines under half moon in El Paso
[caption id="attachment_71537" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Lawrence Welsh and T.J. English. Photo by Erick "Chuco" Chavez. "][/caption...
Rare civility in an age of insults
Rare civility in an age of insults
[caption id="attachment_71533" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Speaker Christine Quinn."][/caption] Christine Quinn, the woman who would b...
Price of success
Price of success
Congratulations to Leinster and Ulster who, in a few days time, will battle for Europe's most prestigious club rugby trophy, the Heineken Cup. The ...
Change, no change
Change, no change
When the weather is bad in Ireland, that is to say when it is bad on a sustained basis, people often muse on the idea of what living on the island ...
How Elbridge Gerry set me up
How Elbridge Gerry set me up
[caption id="attachment_71406" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Elbridge Gerry."][/caption] Elbridge Gerry was one of the founding Fathers,...
Less change and more the way it was
Less change and more the way it was
[caption id="attachment_71403" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Fenway Park"][/caption] I haven't seen Bostonians this distressed in many, ...

