
EDITORIAL Four More Years Senator for the Diaspora Billy Lawless was frustrated by his inability to vote as a member of Seanad Eireann in the recen...
Empire, Europe, Ennui
Empire, Europe, Ennui
There was a time when the object of the exercise was to make as much of the global map as possible be England. Those who take an interest in histor...
A Helping Hand
A Helping Hand
The return of devolved government and power sharing in Northern Ireland is to be warmly welcomed. The North had been without a functioning Executiv...
Malachy McAllister battling for an American life
Malachy McAllister battling for an American life
Malachy McAllister has been here before. All too many times. One again the Belfast man is looking at America’s door with the big exit sign over it....
The American century
The American century
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin stands on the Moon's surface near the leg of the Lunar Module “Eagle” during the Apollo 11 moonwalk. Reflect for a moment, if...
Trump marks seven
Trump marks seven
President Donald Trump will this week become the seventh serving American president to make landfall in Ireland. Suffice it to say, this visit prom...
Shannon Summit
Shannon Summit
Unlike his still mysterious chat with Vladimir Putin, President Trump’s sit down with Taoiseach Leo Varadkar in Shannon Airport is likely to make i...
SOS on CO2
SOS on CO2
It’s a good idea to take a deep breath these days when the subject is climate. But hold that one. Perhaps not too deep. Latest scientific figures s...
In the Crosshairs
In the Crosshairs
The world has always been a dangerous place for journalists. For the most part this has been due to the fact that journalists often find themselves...
Animus afoot
Animus afoot
This was a headline last week in the London-published Daily Telegraph: “Brexit latest news: Angela Merkel throws Theresa May a lifeline as she insi...
Assault on asylum
Assault on asylum
These are worrying days for Malachy McAllister and the group of his fellow Irishmen known collectively as “the deportees.” McAllister, for one, has...
No April joke
No April joke
Ordinarily, the arrival of April in the northern hemisphere is a time of rejoicing for the meteorologically burdened. We welcome spring. Nobody was...

