
Crisis was bonding for cast, crew
Crisis was bonding for cast, crew
Irish filmmaker John Carney says he wants each episode in his star-studded, “Modern Love” anthology series to captivate its viewers by offering a s...
 In Gleason’s footsteps
In Gleason’s footsteps
The opening of the Vernon-Jackson Ave. subway stop in 1916 was as good a place as any to begin. The story, though, goes back to the 19th century an...
Our hopes for the 2021-22 season
Our hopes for the 2021-22 season
What will be the third Premier League season of the pandemic begins this weekend and the fans’ enthusiasm shows no sign of waning. As always at thi...
An album with realistic immediacy An album with realistic immediacy
By Daniel Neely Since covid hit, we’ve experienced a couple of ebb and flow periods with regard to new releases in the world of traditional music. ...
 Tomato Time, Again!
Tomato Time, Again!
[Roasted Tomato Puff Pastry Tart] By Margaret M. Johnson If it’s August, you can pretty much count on me to be writing something about tomatoes, a ...
Recalling Gleason’s rule
Recalling Gleason’s rule
PS1 today is home to MoMA PS 1 “Don’t call me ‘mayor.’ Just call me Paddy!" So said the last chief executive of Long Island City, a somewhat larger...
EATING IN IRELAND: Those Were the Days
EATING IN IRELAND: Those Were the Days
If you’re reading this, chances are you love Ireland. Chances are, too, that you’re a member of one of the many Facebook groups devoted to it: “The...
REELING IN THE YEARS: Not getting to say goodbye
REELING IN THE YEARS: Not getting to say goodbye
It was a thrill to stand in the shade for a few minutes and have an in-person conversation with my neighbors Natalia and Camilla this morning. Sinc...
TRAD: Fabulous album is warm, inviting
TRAD: Fabulous album is warm, inviting
I’m always thrilled when I get something from Pádraig Rynne because I know it’s going to be interesting, and I’m pleased to say his latest offering...
Inspiring, fascinating scholarship   Inspiring, fascinating scholarship
[Deirdre Ní Chonghaile gets to the heart of each Aran collector’s motivations and practices.] A few weeks back I wrote about Dublin singer John Fra...
Debut novel is ‘beautiful tapestry’ Debut novel is ‘beautiful tapestry’
Jean Pasley first encountered the subject of her debut novel during time spent in Japan in her early adult years. Often upon telling people she was...
Vol. 2 is major artistic statement
Vol. 2 is major artistic statement
The Christmastime masquerade was revived as an educational tool to promote tolerance and understanding throughout Northern Ireland. PHOTOS BY BRIAN...

