
 Cohan back on screen Cohan back on screen
The most famous screen portrayal of George M. Cohan is perhaps that from James Cagney in the 1942 movie “Yankee Doodle Dandy.” But, Jon Peterson’s ...
Way to go before return to normalcy  Way to go before return to normalcy 
On Saturday, an event honoring the 40th Anniversary of Bobby Sands and the Hunger Strikers was held at the Rockland GAA Clubhouse by Rockland Count...
Costigan, Ruddy for radio version Costigan, Ruddy for radio version
The radio version of Seamus Scanlon’s “The Long Wet Grass” is streaming from New York City, Aug 23-29. It stars two New York-based Irish actors Gin...
Cavan’s Daly became copper king
Cavan’s Daly became copper king
In 1856, the 14-year-old Marcus Daly, one of 10 children from an impoverished peasant family from Derrylea, Co. Cavan, arrived in New York City, pa...
For Yummy Desserts, Cook Some Fruit For Yummy Desserts, Cook Some Fruit
Roasted strawberries. Grilled peaches. Poached nectarines and plums. If you love a fruit crisp, a juicy cobbler, or a hot apple pie, these easy — n...
Crisis was bonding for cast, crew
Crisis was bonding for cast, crew
Irish filmmaker John Carney says he wants each episode in his star-studded, “Modern Love” anthology series to captivate its viewers by offering a s...
 In Gleason’s footsteps
In Gleason’s footsteps
The opening of the Vernon-Jackson Ave. subway stop in 1916 was as good a place as any to begin. The story, though, goes back to the 19th century an...
Our hopes for the 2021-22 season
Our hopes for the 2021-22 season
What will be the third Premier League season of the pandemic begins this weekend and the fans’ enthusiasm shows no sign of waning. As always at thi...
An album with realistic immediacy An album with realistic immediacy
By Daniel Neely Since covid hit, we’ve experienced a couple of ebb and flow periods with regard to new releases in the world of traditional music. ...
 Tomato Time, Again!
Tomato Time, Again!
[Roasted Tomato Puff Pastry Tart] By Margaret M. Johnson If it’s August, you can pretty much count on me to be writing something about tomatoes, a ...
Recalling Gleason’s rule
Recalling Gleason’s rule
PS1 today is home to MoMA PS 1 “Don’t call me ‘mayor.’ Just call me Paddy!" So said the last chief executive of Long Island City, a somewhat larger...
EATING IN IRELAND: Those Were the Days
EATING IN IRELAND: Those Were the Days
If you’re reading this, chances are you love Ireland. Chances are, too, that you’re a member of one of the many Facebook groups devoted to it: “The...

