
High Kings: Irish folk band of 21st c.
High Kings: Irish folk band of 21st c.
The High Kings. Music Notes / By Colleen Taylor How can a band commemorate a decade while sounding brand new? There may not be a clear answer, but ...
The making of a literary icon
The making of a literary icon
Author Michèle Mendelssohn outside the Wilde family home at 1 Merrion Sq., Dublin. Page Turner / Edited by Peter McDermott “The book you are holdin...
SoHo Playhouse showcases Irish writers
SoHo Playhouse showcases Irish writers
Colette Forde in her own play “Innit,” which is currently on at the SoHo Playhouse. By Orla O’Sullivan The plays of two young women spotted in Irel...
2 albums will be talk of the fests
2 albums will be talk of the fests
Traditional Music / By Daniel Neely Welcome to “The Scrum,” or what is probably the most densely packed week of the 2018 traditional music calendar...
Caoilinn Hughes for Brooklyn launch
Caoilinn Hughes for Brooklyn launch
Poet Caoilinn Hughes's debut novel is “Orchid & the Wasp." PHOTOGRAPH BY DANIJEL MIHAJLOVIĆ By Irish Echo Staff “[Ireland has] produced far more th...
Fate doesn’t give up easily
Fate doesn’t give up easily
Maria Duffy. Page Turner / Edited by Peter McDermott Maria Duffy’s fiction is making the move to America. The Dubliner has become used to reviews t...
Mickey Carroll: ‘Enemy of the People’
Mickey Carroll: ‘Enemy of the People’
Maurice "Mickey" Carroll died in December after a long career as a reporter and then as a spokesperson with the Quinnipiac University Poll. Between...
Hyper-rationalism takes psychotic turn
Hyper-rationalism takes psychotic turn
Stephen Rea. PHOTO: ROLLING NEWS.IE By Orla O’Sullivan “Here it’s okay to say anything you want,” Stephen Rea’s character is told by a psychologist...
Curtain up! IAW&A treads the boards
Curtain up! IAW&A treads the boards
Maria Deasy, left. with Zack Gafin and Maeve Price. By Maureen Hossbacher Radiant in white lace on a warm summer evening, IAW&A Board Member Maria ...
Behold the Fruits of Summer
Behold the Fruits of Summer
MONKEY BUSINESS | DREAMSTIME.COM IRELAND HOPPING | By Margaret M. Johnson Given next week’s big holiday, I should probably be writing about the 4th...
Never too late in the game
Never too late in the game
John Moran. By Peter McDermott The arts were not a priority when John Moran was growing up in Queens, New York City. “Discouraged” is the word he u...
How Redmond founded a dynasty
How Redmond founded a dynasty
Pat McCarthy's latest book published Four Courts Press contains numerous photos from the periods covered. Page Turner / Edited by Peter McDermott O...

