Stephen Butler

Dr. Stephen Butler is Clinical Associate Professor, Expository Writing Program, New York University.

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On truth, Trump, Biden and BS On truth, Trump, Biden and BS
By the time this article appears, Donald Trump will have been sworn in again as President of the United States. The freezing temperatures will have...
'Undead President' still haunts 'Undead President' still haunts
When someone hears that I worked for many years as a doorman in Manhattan, the usual follow-up question is “Did anyone famous live in your building...
On the Mets, the Yankees and 'intolerable suffering' On the Mets, the Yankees and 'intolerable suffering'
The hopes and dreams of Mets fans have died their annual death. There was to be no Subway Series this year. The first and only time the Metropolita...
'Maybe, maybe there's peace inside' 'Maybe, maybe there's peace inside'
With his dark quiff, modest sideburns, blazer, blue jeans and Doc Martens, the look of Thomas Patrick Maguire might remind you of another singing-s...
When hope and history don’t rhyme When hope and history don’t rhyme
Sixty-five summers ago, in August 1956, two Irish immigrants living in South Buffalo got married. To be precise, my paternal aunt, Philomena (“Phil...

