Mike Houlihan

Mike "Houli" Houlihan is a former columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times and Irish American News, host of Hibernian Radio every Sat. night on Global Irish Radio, founder of the Annual Irish American Movie Hooley film festival, director, filmmaker, and Chairman of Hibernian Media

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CHICAGO CALLING: His career at a dead end, Irish centre dynamo 'Geno' Cooney found a new life as a funeral director
CHICAGO CALLING: His career at a dead end, Irish centre dynamo 'Geno' Cooney found a new life as a funeral director
“Ya can’t get to heaven, unless you go to Cooney’s!” So they said about Cooney Funeral Home in the old Chicago Irish neighborhood of St. Andrew’s p...
Rose shows frightening resolve
Rose shows frightening resolve
Ann Skelly in "Rose Plays Julie." By Mike Houlihan For those looking for artistic descendants of Alfred Hitchcock and his unique style, building su...

