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EDITORIAL: All Astir in New York
EDITORIAL: All Astir in New York
It's the week of the opening of the General Assembly in New York and midtown Manhattan is in its usual state of General Assembly chaos with street ...
EDITORIAL: When An Apple.....
EDITORIAL: When An Apple.....
Oh well, sometimes you have to take the lumps and the bruises. The Irish government is contemplating legal bumps and bruises after the Court of Jus...
EDITORIAL: Unions Rising Albeit Slowly
EDITORIAL: Unions Rising Albeit Slowly
About seven in 10 Americans say they approve of labor unions. This is just points away from the record-high approval rating for organized labor, ac...
Unwelcome Words that Echo the Know Nothings
Unwelcome Words that Echo the Know Nothings
JD Vance's recent statements that the Irish immigrants fleeing the Great Hunger were responsible for higher crime rates is in the centuries old tra...
EDITORIAL: Immigration an Issue Waiting to be Addressed
EDITORIAL: Immigration an Issue Waiting to be Addressed
Immigration might not be a third rail in American politics but it is for sure a hot potato. It will be interesting to see if Kamala Harris and Dona...
EDITORIAL: Ireland's Revolving Green Door
EDITORIAL: Ireland's Revolving Green Door
Ireland, the Republic part of it, is a busy place these times with people coming and people going. But more are coming in according to the latest n...
EDITORIAL: One Day Out of 365
EDITORIAL: One Day Out of 365
August 19 was World Humanitarian Day. Most people in the world didn't notice. Some who did might have wondered where the humanitarian bit actually ...
Editorial: Au Revoir Paris, Bonjour LA
Editorial: Au Revoir Paris, Bonjour LA
And so, another Olympics in the books. Paris, truly a city sans pareil, opened itself to the world and the world entered its gates. Over 10,000 ath...
EDITORIAL: High Speeds Over Short Distances
EDITORIAL: High Speeds Over Short Distances
All road trips are local. In the United States they can be short or long. In Ireland they can be short and long too, albeit in a relative sense whe...
EDITORIAL: Adrian Flannelly
EDITORIAL: Adrian Flannelly
Back in 2021 Adrian Flannelly was one of four U.S.-based recipients of the Presidential Distinguished Service Award for the Irish Abroad. Flannelly...
EDITORIAL: An Irish Farewell
EDITORIAL: An Irish Farewell
It was the kind of reluctant departure that Irish people are long familiar with. It was characterized by stubborn resistance, obvious pride, and no...
The attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump was a dark day in American political life; not the first, and likely not the last. It ...

