Anthony Neeson

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Martin Points to Broader Putin Strategy Martin Points to Broader Putin Strategy
Taoiseach Micheál Martin has said that President Vladimir Putin’s strategy is not just killing people in Ukraine but causing “international instabi...
New Belfast rebuilds bridge to New York as pandemic eases
New Belfast rebuilds bridge to New York as pandemic eases
As lockdowns are lifted and travel restrictions are eased the race is on to rebuild and repair transatlantic bridges which have been neglected sinc...
Passport Delays Causing Holiday Cancellations Passport Delays Causing Holiday Cancellations
Delays in processing Irish passport applications are leading to holiday cancellations. Over 180,000 applications are waiting to go through the syst...
Face Masks Coming Off in North Schools Face Masks Coming Off in North Schools
High school pupils in Northern Ireland school are no longer required to wear face coverings in the classroom from this week. Although some schools ...
Arrest After Dublin Woman Shot Arrest After Dublin Woman Shot
Gardái have arrested a man in his twenties following the murder of a 36-year-old woman in Dublin on Saturday night. Sandra Boyd, a mother of five, ...
Open Door Staying Open Open Door Staying Open
The Taoiseach has said that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson did not raise concerns over Ireland’s open door policy to refugees from Ukraine du...
All aboard for return of in-person Irish Echo arts awards gala
All aboard for return of in-person Irish Echo arts awards gala
The only arts awards event in all of Irish America is back — with a determination to celebrate the very best of Irish arts and culture on the other...
A Triple Whammy of Storms A Triple Whammy of Storms
18,000 homes and businesses in the Republic of Ireland and 10,000 in Northern Ireland were without power Monday after the third storm to hit the is...
Damning Report Finds 'Collusive Behavior' Damning Report Finds 'Collusive Behavior'
A damning Police Ombudsman’s report into the targeting and murder of Catholics in South Belfast in the 1990s has found "collusive behaviour" betwee...
Stormont Parties Blast DUP Pullout Stormont Parties Blast DUP Pullout
The Democratic Unionist Party has faced further criticism from the other parties at Stormont after collapsing the power-sharing Executive, as party...
Wall Hits A Wall Wall Hits A Wall
A memorial wall in Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin that commemorates all those who died during the revolutionary period of 1916-23 is to be “discontin...
Relief for the Ireland Relief for the Ireland
A plan to allow thousands of undocumented migrants permission to stay in Ireland has been set in motion. There are up to 17,000 people living in Ir...

