As speculation of a U-turn by the American Irish Historical Society on its shock move to oust executive director Dr. Elizabeth Stack continues to mount, the award-winning Irish Stew podcasters Martin Nutty and John Lee have made a unique intervention to support the popular Kerry academic.
"We've just re-released our July 2023 episode featuring Dr. Stack as our way of letting her know the Irish community has her back," said Martin Nutty.
Announcing the reissued interview, available on all podcast platforms, the pair pull no punches.
"We both feel a grave injustice has been done to Elizabeth, which is also counter-productive to the Irish community in America," say Messrs Lee and Nutty.
Adds Martin Nutty in a new preamble to the episode: "Last week, on St. Patrick's Day, I walked over to the American Irish Historical Society to celebrate the day. The Society is located in a beautiful beaux-art mansion just across Fifth Avenue from New York City's Metropolitan Museum.
"Elizabeth Stack, the Executive Director, greeted me warmly at the door, along with all those who had just paraded up Fifth Avenue and had chosen to spend their afternoon at the society. The sounds of the grand piano beckoned visitors up the marble stairs to the salon where a happy crowd had gathered that afternoon. There were pipers, dancers, and singers, all performing in celebration of Ireland's day. After many years of uncertainty, visitors were glad to be back in the wonderful shared space. Remarking on how quickly Elizabeth Stack had restored a sense of community to the grand old building."
In his note, Nutty says he left that AIHS on the evening of St Patrick's Day "confident that the Society was in good hands"."However," he adds, "the next morning, I woke up to read an article in the Irish Echo announcing the removal of Elizabeth Stack from her position. Like many in the New York Irish community, I was dismayed to hear the news. Turmoil, it seems, is to be revisited on the Society again. The bad news announcement from the Society board cited the need for cost-saving measures while committing to a continuity in programming. I, for one, fail to understand how a shift to a part-time executive director position is likely to make that possible."
Nutty and Lee say they are hopeful their move to draw attention to Dr. Stack's plight will give the Board cause to reflect on — and reverse — their action.
You can listen to the podcast via the Spotify link above, on your own favoured podcast platform or via the Irish Stew website.