John Foy and Maggie Gibson.

 NJ AOH Division Raises Medical Funding

The Pat Torphy AOH Division from Middletown, New Jersey has raised over eighty thousand dollars to benefit Maggie Gibson, a member's daughter who is fighting Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The money raised will allow Maggie to continue with her medical treatment.

Over 600 people attended the January 18 event inside the VFW 2179 in Middletown, NJ. Many donors stopped by and dropped off checks and others went directly to the Go Fund Me page Donate to “Support Maggie Gibson’s Fight Against Lymphoma."

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Division President Ryan Quilty stated: “Our past division president John Foy and his wife Janine Foy who is a member of St. Bridget’s Ladies Ancient Order Hibernians Division, Monmouth County chaired the event.

"Both John and Janine worked tirelessly leading the effort and created a great team to manage and operate the event.

"Speaking of John and his leadership, a huge thank you goes out to the team of many volunteers who stepped up and put a great deal of time and effort into running a very successful fundraising event for Maggie.

"Thank you to the joint effort of the AOH and LAOH members who are a testament to our motto of Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity. Thank you to Joe Daly and the team at VFW Post 2179. Thank you to all the friends, family, donors, bands, volunteers, and anyone whom I may have missed.

"Maggie and the Gibson family are filled with gratitude with the outpouring of thoughtfulness, compassion, and generosity. Please remember to keep Maggie in your prayers on her road to recovery as she continues to beat Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The Pat Torphy Division has and will continue to support our brothers and sisters in time of need.  This is one of the reasons we belong to the AOH.”

Donations and other correspondence can be sent to AOH Div. 2 P.O. Box 852, New Monmouth, NJ 07748.

