Bishop Robert Brennan.

A Brooklyn First for Brigid

Bishop Robert J. Brennan of Brooklyn will observe the Feast of St. Brigid, patroness of Ireland, with a Mass of thanksgiving at St. James Cathedral-Basilica, Downtown Brooklyn on St. Brigid's Day, Saturday, February 1.

The Mass will also celebrate the many contributions of the Irish to the Diocese of Brooklyn. This will be the first diocesan celebration in honor of St Brigid, said a release from the diocese. 

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Added the release: "The Irish were the founders of the first parish on Long island – St. James in the downtown area.

"Many priests and religious vocations have come from the Irish community.  Six of the eight Bishops of Brooklyn had Irish roots. And two men of Irish ancestry from our diocese – Bishop Francis X. Ford and Msgr. Bernard Quinn – are candidates for beatification and sainthood.

"The Bishop hopes to bring together the many different Irish groups (AOH & counties) to recognize the contributions of the Sons and Daughters of Erin. Following the liturgy, there will be a social gathering to share the ethnic flavor of the Irish culture."

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