Michael Benn at the American Irish Historical Society Thursday evening. Irish Echo photo.

Michael Benn is 2025 Grand Marshal

Michael Benn, who for many years has captured Irish culture and heritage in a TV show that he produces and directs, will be the star of the show on March 17 next when he leads the New York Saint Patrick's Day Parade up Fifth Avenue as its Grand Marshal.

Benn, who together with his wife of 53 years, Christina, is a native of Limerick City, was officially installed as the Grand Marshal of the 264th parade at an installation ceremont Thursday evening at the American Irish Historical Society on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. 

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To cheers and applause he told all those at the event that he had never in his life imagined that Irish America's greatest honor would be bestowed upon him.

The new Grand Marshal succeeds Maggie Timoney, the 2024 Grand Marshal.

Benn, who lives in Rockaway Beach, Queens, is no stranger to parades as he is president and chairman of the Queen's County Saint Patrick's Day Parade, the second largest in the city after the Fifth Avenue march.

Benn, a U.S. Army veteran, was introduced by Parade Board chairman Sean Lane and the board's Hilary Beirne, who is a candidate for the Irish Senate, Seanad Eireann.

Irish Consul General in New York Helena Nolan delivered congratulatory remarks to the gathering in the splendid surroundings of the AIHS.

