Keir Starmer with Taoiseach Simon Harris during their recent meeting in Dublin. photo.

American Brexit Committee Issues White House Meeting Statement

The American Brexit Committee issued a statement in advance of the meeting Friday at the White house between President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

The statement read in part: "The next chapter of the so-called 'special relationship' is about to unfold with Prime Minister Starmer’s meeting with President Biden.

"To consider what might be discussed, we refer to the 2021 US-UK Atlantic Charter and its declarations for democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and transparency. 

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"The 2023 Legacy Act abandons the rule of law to bury the truth of 1000+ killings of Irish citizens (many British Subjects) whose deaths bore evidence of police, Army, and MI-5 collusion with loyalist terrorists. Were this to happen anywhere in the U.S. governments would fall.

"Both the Conservative and Labor parties for 25 years have undermined not only the 1998 GFA but its subsidiary agreements with delay, denial and defunding of obligations and systemic political destabilization. It has all been carefully calibrated by Whitehall to minimize any effort to conduct an Irish Unity poll. How long must these maneuvers deprive the people of Ireland the vote that should have yielded a 32 County Republic in 1918? How can America trust the British to keep their word with this record?

"Labor and Conservatives supported BREXIT. No usual Command Paper or policy analysis was ever produced before the 2016 referendum and none since.

"Expect Britain to seek an American bail-out from the folly of Brexit with trade and sweetheart military and intelligence contracts. Fair enough. What are friends for? Restore Ireland’s 32 County sovereignty through Privy Council, Parliament or plebiscite and then let such US-UK trade discussions commence."

