Tánaiste Micheál Martin. RollingNews.ie photo.

Needs to Listen to World Opinion

Tánaiste Micheál Martin has said remarks by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu “do not contribute in any way to the prospects of peace” in Gaza.

As the death toll in the region now exceeds 25,000, Mr. Netanyahu rejected calls for a future Palestinian state.

On X, after talks with U.S. President Joe Biden, Mr. Netanyahu posted: “I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over all the territory west of Jordan – and this is contrary to a Palestinian state.”

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Responding, Micheál Martin said: “I would say to prime minister Netanyahu, he needs to listen to the vast majority of the world who want peace and who wants a two state solution on the basis that a two state solution is the ultimate security guarantee for Israel and for Israeli citizens, and for Palestinians in terms of a future prospect of living in harmonious coexistence.

“There is no other alternative on the table to a two state solution that is sustainable, and that will make for a sustainable peace into the future.”

The Tánaiste reiterated the Irish government’s call for a ceasefire.

“From Ireland’s perspective we will be, again, putting a lot of pressure on calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and also absolutely the unimpeded access for humanitarian aid in.

“Reports we are receiving in as late as last evening are dire in respect to what’s happening within Gaza, in terms of starvation, in terms of the humanitarian consequences of this war, as there’s no excuse now for any tardiness or for any delays in the respective getting vital aid into Gaza, and we’ll be making those points really strongly.”

Mr. Martin took part in a summit of EU foreign ministers to discuss Gaza and the war in Ukraine. He called on the EU to sanction extremist Israeli settlers, targeting Palestinian civilians in the West Bank, and for the unconditional release of hostages held by Hamas.

