The Families protest. John Teggart is on the left of the photo.

Families Stage Silent Protest

It was a silent protest, but it said everything.

The Ballymurphy Massacre Families attended an impromptu silent protest at Newforge Conference and Sports Complex earlier this week. 

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar was just yards away to announce £850 million in peace funding for Northern Ireland.

The families, said a statement, were there to highlight to the taoiseach the need for the Irish government to take an "interstate case" against the British government's "disastrous Legacy Bill of Shame."

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The bill is now on course for royal assent after which it will become law.

Speaking at the protest John Teggart, son of Daniel Teggart said: “It is disgraceful that families like ourselves are still having to stand in protest after fifty years.  

"We feel we have not heard from the Irish government a full and committed response to this disrespectful Tory bill of shame. We want to hear that they will take a case to the European courts of human rights on victims behalf. Don't leave us behind. We need this interstate case to be taken immediately against the British government.

"We acknowledge today it is good news day. We welcome all the funding that has come forward from PeacePlus to the many groups and community organisations, particularly those providing services to victims and survivors. We support their good work.

"But what you have to remember is that families like ourselves are not at peace. We can’t be at peace until this legacy bill of shame is binned and that can only be achieved by an interstate case taken by the Irish government which is the fastest way to defeat it.

"We say to the Irish government, don’t be leaving victims behind. Protect our human and civil rights by taking an interstate case immediately.”

