Michael Gambon performing in the 2006 Gate Theatre Beckett Festival in Dublin. RollingNews.ie photo.

Actor Michael Gambon, 82

Photo of the Day: Actor Michael Gambon has died at the age of 82. The Dublin-born Gambon enjoyed a long and hugely successful career in film, on stage and on television. He is well remembered for playing Albus Dumbledore in the Harry Potter films. He took over the role after the death of fellow Irish actor Richard Harris.

In a tribute, President Michael D Higgins said: “As President of Ireland, may I express a sorrow which I am sure is shared by all appreciative of his work on stage and in film, on hearing of the news of the death of Sir Michael Gambon.  May I offer my condolences to his wife Anne, his son Fergus and wider family, and to his fellow artists and many friends.

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"Michael Gambon, born in Dublin, was one of the finest actors of his generation. Having won recognition as an exceptional talent very early in his career, on stage, film, television and radio. More recently, a new generation of children and adults came to know him for his portrayal of Albus Dumbledore in the 'Harry Potter' films.

"However, his was a talent delivered over six decades. As an actor he seemed boundless, be it through his work with Sir Laurence Oliver’s National Theatre in London, to his performances at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford. His friendship with the late Peter O’Toole reflected a commitment to the importance of work on stage that they shared.

His achievements as an actor in several of Samuel Beckett’s plays, including at the Gate in Dublin, was part of a career that included performances in the work of so many of the major playwrights of his time, including Harold Pinter. Sir Michael Gambon leaves a great body of work that will remain as a compelling legacy, and a reminder to all who appreciated his work, of all that he accomplished.”

