AOH National President Danny O'Connell.

 Hibernians Pen All House and Senate Members

The Ancient Order of Hibernians has sent a letter to all members of the Senate and House of Representatives urging their support in "opposing and denouncing" the United Kingdom's "Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill" currently under consideration in the British parliament.

In the letter, AOH National President Daniel J. O'Connell, highlights what a release describes as "the damaging provisions of the Legacy Bill, which offers immunity from prosecution to perpetrators of murder and torture and halts future civil cases and inquests related to killings during the Northern Ireland conflict. O'Connell noted this legislation has united the entire Northern Ireland community, including Catholic, Protestant, Nationalist, and Loyalist groups, in opposition."

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Stated President O'Connell: "The proposed Legacy Bill would create a protected class and provide amnesty for murder, disregarding the core principles of justice and accountability that are fundamental to any civilized society. It has been denounced by The UN's Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, the Council of Europe, and numerous human rights watchdogs."

The AOH release noted that independent reports, including one authored by Northern Ireland Queen's University Belfast's School of Law and the Committee on the Administration of Justice, have found the proposed legislation to be in breach of international human rights law and the Belfast Agreement, which established the foundations for peace and justice in Northern Ireland.

"For over half a century, the families of victims of the conflict in Northern Ireland have sought justice, only to face countless delays and equivocation from the U.K. government," stated Mr. O'Connell.

"The Legacy Bill's proposed amendments would further hinder ongoing judicial proceedings, preventing the truth from being unveiled and denying closure to those affected by tragic events such as the Ballymurphy and Bloody Sunday massacres."

The release said that the Ancient Order of Hibernians emphasizes that the U.K. Legacy Bill stands in direct contradiction to the claim of shared values between the United States and the United Kingdom. It opposes the principles enshrined in the Good Friday Agreement, the U.S. Constitution, and the Magna Carta, all of which emphasize the importance of justice and equality before the law.

"As Americans, we have a responsibility to condemn human rights abuses and seek justice wherever it may be lacking," added O'Connell.

"It is disheartening to witness the U.K. government attempting to erase its historical responsibility for similar acts while it stands with the United States condemning atrocities committed by other nations. This silence on abuses in Belfast undermines the credibility of our relationship and tarnishes the moral high ground we strive to uphold."

The AOH is calling upon members of the House and Senate "to join them in opposing this legislative travesty and urging the U.K. government to withdraw the Legacy Bill. By doing so, the United States will demonstrate its commitment to justice and human rights and protect the integrity of the Good Friday Agreement."

