The people of Ireland will be seeing President Joe Biden's famous smile up close next week.

Biden Visit Details Emerging

The visit of President Joe Biden to Ireland next week is coming into sharper focus with details now being released by the White House.

The White House released a statement which reads: "President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. will travel to the United Kingdom and Ireland from April 11-14.  

"President Biden will first travel to Belfast, Northern Ireland from April 11-12 to mark the tremendous progress since the signing of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement 25 years ago and to underscore the readiness of the United States to support Northern Ireland’s vast economic potential to the benefit of all communities.  

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"The President will then travel to Ireland from April 12-14. He will discuss our close cooperation on the full range of shared global challenges.  

"He will also hold various engagements, including in Dublin, County Louth, and County Mayo, where he will deliver an address to celebrate the deep, historic ties that link our countries and people.  Additional information about the trip will be forthcoming."

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said President  Biden, in Belfast, will mark the "tremendous progress since the signing of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement 25 years ago”.

Biden would “underscore the readiness of the United States to support Northern Ireland’s vast economic potential to the benefit of all communities."

The Irish Times, crediting an Oireachtas source, was reporting Wednesday that the president is likely to address a joint sitting of the Houses of the Dáil and Seanad on Thursday, April 13.

Both Houses of the Oireachtas will be reconvened from the Easter break for the special sitting.

In a statement, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said he was looking forward to the forthcoming official visit.

“I am delighted that President Biden will pay a visit to Ireland. It will be a privilege and a special moment to welcome him back as President of the United States.

“Joe Biden has always been a friend of Ireland. Over many decades, and to this day, he has supported the cause of peace in Ireland and the Good Friday Agreement. He stood with us as we navigated the difficult consequences of Brexit.

“When we spoke recently in the White House, President Biden was clear that in celebrating the Good Friday Agreement, we should be looking ahead, not backwards. We need to continue working together as true partners to fulfill the potential of all the people who call this island their home.

“His visit is an opportunity to celebrate and renew the strong political, economic and personal ties that bind our two countries together. Above all, it is an opportunity to welcome a great Irish-American President home.”

The president's keynote speech during his five day visit is expected to take place in County Mayo which, along with Louth, is the president's primary ancestral county.

