Gardai in riot gear facing rioting in Dublin Thursday night. photo.

Night of rioting and looting in Dublin

The light of day has seen a massive clean up operation in Dublin after a night of rioting and looting that has shocked the nation and has left multiple people injured and damage amounting to ten of millions of euros.

The riots, which are being blamed on far right elements, followed a knife attack on a number of children and adult outside a school in the north inner city.

Reports have indicated anti-immigrant ideology as being a spur for the rioting.

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34 people were arrested during the disturbances and are facing an array of charges. more arrests are expected.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has said that the people involved in the rioting had "brought shame on Dublin, brought shame on Ireland, and brought shame on their families and themselves."

According to report, a five-year-old girl remains in a critical condition in hospital following the knife attack outside a school in Parnell Square Thursday afternoon.

Two other children and a carer for the children also sustained injuries in the stabbing incident.

Reportws the Irish Times:  "A girl (5) and a woman in her 30s were seriously injured in this attack. The girl remained in a critical condition on Friday morning. The Irish Times understands the woman was an employee of the school or afterschool care facility the children were attending.A six-year-old girl and a five-year-old boy sustained less serious injuries in the attack. The chief suspect, a man in his 40s, was also seriously injured in this incident. Officers said they are not looking for anyone else.

Mr. Varadkar told reporters that the individual who carried out the stabbing attack was "intent on murder."

And he paid tribute to "heroes" on the street who had intervened, many of whom were of different nationalities.

RTE reported that violent disturbances broke out in the city centre following the knife attack. Garda Commissioner Drew Harris said that 34 people were arrested following "huge destruction by a riotous mob."

Commissioner Harris said a significant number of rioters attempted to breach the cordon of the crime scene on Parnell Square East, following the knife attack.

Tánaiste Micheál Martin also condemned the rioting saying "this is not who we are as a people".

He described the riots as an attack on the fundamental freedom of citizens.

Mr. Martin said the nature of online communications, in terms of the hatred and bile that can often be seen there, is something that must be examined in the days and weeks ahead, RTE reported.

The Irish Times reported Martin as saying that the riots were organised and the government would now order a review of intelligence gathering.

Stores were looted and a number of buses, LUAS trams and Garda cars were burned during the riots. One bus driver was dragged from a bus by rioters. Gardaí clashed with gangs of people, and social media footage showed individual officers being attacked. A number of schools in the riot-affect part of the city were closed Friday.

