Minister Roderic O'Gorman photo

Birth Information And Tracing Bill Signed Into Law

Ireland has a new law that will allow people who were adopted and live outside the country to trace their birth families and make contact with them.

A bill providing for the means of contact and tracing was signed into law in recent days by President Michael D. Higgins.

The new Register is open to applications and can be accessed on Applications may be made to the Contact Preference Register by those wishing to make contact, to request privacy, or to seek or share information with a relative, said a release.

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Added the release: "A Public Information Campaign, with a national and international focus, is underway to let people know of the important changes to the law. As part of this, an Information Booklet will be delivered to every household in Ireland.

"Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman has commenced the first suite of provisions within the Birth Information and Tracing Act 2022, paving the way for Information and Tracing Services to open in October 2022. The steps taken by the Minister mean that a new Contact Preference Register is now established and is open to applications."

The legislation completed its final stage in the Houses of the Oireachtas on June 22 and was signed into law by President Higgins on June 30.

Added the release: "This landmark legislation provides a full and clear right of access to birth certificates, birth and early life information for all persons who were adopted, boarded out, the subject of an illegal birth registration or who otherwise have questions in relation to their origins. It also allows for access to information by a child of a relevant person where their parent has died, and for access by the next of kin of children who died in an institution.

"The new law establishes a robust tracing service and a Contact Preference Register, as well as a range of new bespoke measures to address issues arising for people affected by illegal birth registration. A broad spectrum of counseling and support is also available to persons affected on request. All of these services will be free of charge for applicants.

"Applications may be made to the Contact Preference Register by those wishing to make contact, to request privacy, or to seek or share information with a relative.

"The Act provides that the Contact Preference Register must be open for a minimum period of three months before applications for birth certificate and related birth information will be accepted. Those affected, are encouraged to register their preferences in advance of October, when applications to the Information and Tracing Services will open.

"The Contact Preference Register will be facilitated by the Adoption Authority of Ireland, who currently has responsibility for the National Adoption Contact Preference Register. All entries currently held on that register will transfer over to the new Contact Preference Register and remain valid, however persons with entries already registered are advised to consider re-applying to the new register to ensure their contact details and preferences are up to date."

Speaking on the new law, Minister O’Gorman said: “Upon taking office, I made it clear that this legislation and the rights that it extends were a priority for me. I have spoken to many people affected by this legislation, and they told me about the impact the lack of access to that fundamental information about their own identity has had on them. I sincerely hope that this historic law finally provides the answers that so many people have sought for so long.

“Unfortunately for some people, the information that exists may be limited, incomplete or inaccurate. This reminds us all of how important the support and counseling services in place for people will be.

“We are determined to support people to answer questions that remain unanswered to date. In October, when all affected persons will be able to avail of these new provisions that will allow unfettered access to their birth information, we will be able to see the positive and hugely significant impact of this legislation.”

The release added in part: "The Birth Information and Tracing Act 2022 enshrines in law the importance of a person knowing his or her origins. It provides a full and clear right of access to birth and early life information for persons who have attained the age of 16 years. In summary, the Act provides for: release of the birth certificate, birth information, early life information, care information and medical information for all persons who were adopted, boarded out, the subject of an illegal birth registration or who otherwise have questions in relation to their origins."

