To the Families of all 9/11 responders: My brother once told me that when you owe an unpayable debt of gratitude, all you can do is say thank you, and do the best you can to honor their memory.
My coworkers and I were in the north tower of the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001. Through the Grace of God, and the heroic actions of all the first responders that answered the call that day, we were all saved.
The first responders said to those who tried to take away our way of life, 'Not on my watch.' 343 members of the FDNY, 37 Port Authority Police Officers and 23 members of the NYPD, made the ultimate sacrifice that day.
There are no words that I can possibly say to those families to properly express my gratitude for what they did for us. My children are starting to get old enough now that I can tell them about the heroes that saved their father’s life.
It is my hope that they will start to understand the meaning of unwavering courage, selflessness and perseverance. The heroes of 9/11 surely set the highest bar in that regard.
May God Bless them and their families as we approach the 20th anniversary of that day.
On behalf of the thousands who were rescued that day, I say thank you, and with the solemn promise that we will always honor their memory. Sincerely, an eternally grateful survivor of September 11, 2001