Jim Rodgers and Aedin Moloney enjoying Bloomsday on Stone Street in recent times.
By Irish Echo Staff
One Bloomsday has been missed in person and many of our Joyceans are determined that that won’t happen again in 2021, while others are taking a more gradual approach to reentry. We asked a few of our writers and artists what their plans are for next Wednesday, June 16.
Elizabeth O’Reilly: “This year, on Bloomsday, I’ll be teaching a painting class on Cape Cod but my plan is to purchase a couple of tickets for Bloomsday at Symphony Space. I used to love to go to that event but thanks to Zoom I can attend it virtually. My friend has a birthday coming up and I gave him a copy of ‘Ulysses’ last summer and he is enthralled. It will be the perfect birthday gift to give him a ticket to the event also. I really love to hear ‘Ulysses’ read aloud, as voices capture the musicality of Joyce in a way that the written word doesn’t.”
Seamus Scanlon: “I will reread and watch ‘The Dead’ which is about Nora Barnacle's love for her first teen boyfriend back in Galway and that haunts Joyce always.”
Jim Rodgers: “I had planned to walk the two blocks to Ulysses Folk House for the annual reading, but a work commitment rudely intervened I hope to finish it early and hightail over to Stone Street in time to hear Molly Bloom, aka Aedin Maloney, electrify the crowd!”
Kevin Holohan: “I will rise with the sun. light the gas under the coffee pot and feed the cat. ‘Mrkgnao!’ she will say. ‘Afraid of the chookchooks. I never saw such a stupid pussens as the pussens,’ I will mock her, in honor of the day that is in it.”
Maura Mulligan: “Here’s to the word ‘Yes’ - dancing recently to Patty Furlong & Marie Reilly’s live music on my birthday; meeting friends on Bloomsday for a welcome literary transition from Zoom. Yes."
Kathleen Walsh D’Arcy: “We’ll be ‘meeting ourselves’ uptown on June 16. Can it be true? A post-plague party with Irish Writers and Artists and James Joyce Society members, with real people [Honor Molloy, Joe Goodrich, Maeve Price, Brendan Costello, Kevin Holohan], real beer, real thick giblet soup—a real Bloomsday party at Dive Bar, 938 Amsterdam Ave, 6-8 p.m.”
Be there!