Newsletter wins award

Jim Regan, editor of the Newsletter of the Irish Family History Forum.

The Irish Family History Forum has been honored again by the National Genealogical Society for its newsletter.

The Virtual 2021 Family History Conference announcing its honorees and competition winners said on May 19: “The NGS Newsletter Competition recognizes the hard work and creativity of volunteer editors who publish the newsletters of our member organizations. The competition reviews them according to size of membership: small organizations (under 500) and large organizations (500 and up). Small Societies and Organizations: The winner is the Newsletter of the Irish Family History Forum, Long Island, New York, edited by Jim Regan.”

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The NGA awards recognize “excellence, achievement, and genealogical service.” Forum members reported to the Echo that the organization's newsletter has come in either first or second in the category over the past nine years.

“Congratulations to the Irish Family History Forum newsletter staff!” a post on the Forum’s Facebook page said, “Patricia Phelan, Jim Regan, Joe Rhatigan, Maureen Winski, Kerri Tannenbaum and Joanne Dillon you make us proud!" For more about the awards, see here.

