Detective Garda Colm Horkan
By Irish Echo Staff
The peace of an Irish country town was shattered early Thursday morning when a Garda detective was shot dead, reportedly with his own gun.
The fatal shooting occurred in Castlerea, County Roscommon and locals have expressed shock and sadness over the death of Detective Garda Colm Horkan.
Detective Garda Horkan, according to a report in, died after he was shot on duty.
It is believed that his official firearm was taken from him during the incident and he was shot with it.
Locals have been telling of their deep shock when they woke to the news that the popular and well-known garda, a Mayo native, had died in such a violent manner.
Most gardai go about their duty unarmed, but all members of the force do receive periodic firearms training. A certain number of detectives, and most especially members of Emergency Response Units, do carry firearms at all times.
RTE was reporting that the shooter fired fifteen times at Detective Horkan and that the detective had been hit by as many as five shots.
It was reported that a man in his 40s, who is known to have mental issues, has been arrested and is being questioned by gardai.