Pedal To The Meitheal

An array of New York area Irish organizations are taking part in the Meitheal Mission.

By Irish Echo Staff

A total of nine Irish American organizations in the New York City area are now involved in the "Meitheal," a collaborative effort to raise funds for the purchase of badly needed personal protective equipment for use in the battle against Covid-19.

The groups involved are the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Grand Council of United Emerald Societies, Emerald Isle Immigration Center, Brehon Law Society, Building Managers Societies, Aisling Irish Center, Irish American Building Society, New York Irish Center, and Gaelic Athletic Association.

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The Meitheal Mission Statement, issued by organizer Brian McCabe, states: "In the spirit of the Irish tradition of the “meitheal,” in which neighbors support neighbors, and the Irish penchant for not sitting idly by when action is required, a cross-section of the Irish American community has come together to proactively engage in providing aid and relief to those valiant Healthcare workers battling the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

"We ask your cooperation and support in these efforts, initially to source and donate stockpiled or accessible protective gear that can be collected and delivered to identified hospitals in need. In addition, fundraising has commenced with the intention of providing restricted donations to the identified hospitals to be used solely for personal protective equipment purchase, and as the mission unfolds, to help provide meals to the frontline staff.

"This initiative has coalesced around veterans of the very successful meitheal of autumn 2012 in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, and has been joined by more recently arrived young and dedicated Irish men and women. In addition, we have on our team representatives from the legal and medical professions.We again ask your assistance and involvement in this initiative that will provide help to those who now need it most, and will provide an outlet for our people to actively engage in relief efforts. We will not sit idly by and watch this historic crisis unfold without doing our part, and each of us has a part to play. Go Raibh Maith Agat/Thank you."

The donation site is

