Hibernian Salute for Veterans Day

The nation's flag and the nation's veterans will be saluted today

By Irish Echo Staff

The Ancient Order of Hibernians have released a video for Veterans Day recognizing the unique contributions that Irish Americans have made in service to America.

The video may be found here: https://youtu.be/gw9xgswOkVs

"While recognizing and grateful for the sacrifices that Americans of every race, ethnicity, and religion have made in defense of our country, Irish America can take pride and have a very Celtic obligation of remembrance to those of our family, no matter how extended, who served," said a statement.

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"It is incredible the prominent place that the Irish occupy on our nation’s rolls of honor, especially given that Irish immigrants and their descendants have frequently been accused of 'divided loyalties' and not being 'true Americans,'" said AOH National Political Chair, Neil Cosgrove.

"It is regretful that the stories are shown in the video, and the thousands more, are not better known, and we hope that in remembering them, we can offer our gratitude and pride in them and all veterans," Cosgrove said.

Veterans Day falls on the anniversary of the end of World War I. The guns finally went silent at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918.

